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President Message

Christ King Convent school


Dear people of God,

Jesus Christ spent his public ministry teaching the people, especially his disciples, about the love of God. He was recognized and acknowledged as a great teacher by his disciples and public in general (John.3.2). He was God incarnate, a unique human being as the Son of Man. And yet the approach, method and content used by Jesus Christ in his teaching continue to be paradigm for christian education.

Christ the king convent Sr. Sec. School, kapurthala is a humble attempt by the Diocese of Jalandhar, a Catholic - Christian minority undertaking, to provide all with spiritual, moral and socio-ethical values based on Christian principles and values as taught by Jesus Christ irrespective of caste, creed and colour. I do appreciate you for the initiative and confidence with which you chose to educate your child in Christ The king convent Sr. Sec. School. May the wisdom of your ward begin with "the fear of the Lord" (Proverbs. 2:5) and that he/she learns to love God and his/her fellow beings (John. 13:34 -35).

May God Bless you.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Franco Mulakkal
Bishop of jalandhar
(Patron & President of the school)