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Chairman Message

Christ King Convent school


Dear people of God,

With profound joy you are welcomed to be a worthy collaborator in the mission of education undertaken by the Christ The King Convent Sr. Sec. School at kapurthala. I do feel honored to remind you that you have chosen a right path for your child in the field of education. This prestigious school is a part of the Diocese of Jalandhar, a Registered Minority Religious and charitable society, meant to extend quality and value based education particularly for the christian minority and to all others who voluntarily opt to avail the service rendered by this institution.

I wish to assure you of a quality and value based education strongly embedded in the Gospel values of Jesus Christ, the Universal Savior. I joy fully welcome you to be a part of the education mission of the Catholic Diocese of Jalandhar; a Minority undertaking. I also wish and pray that you and your child may be blessed more and more and realize your dreams.

"For the LORD gives wisdom: form His mouth come knowledge and understanding."
(Chairman- Education Board, Diocese of Jalandhar)